• Question: you dont seem to do a lot with science? it all seems to do with social media?

    Asked by mildred to Aaron on 9 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Aaron Boardley

      Aaron Boardley answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      It’s hard to describe my typical day at work, because it varies quite a lot. Some days it’s more heavy on social media, some days I write longer articles, some days I spend all the time meeting and chatting with engineers.

      But whenever I am writing – whether on social media or for a longer magazine article, I’m always writing about science. That’s one of the things I really love about it.

      All of us in the Osmium zone do something a bit different with our science degrees – it might not always be full time science, but something else connected with science. For me, that is mainly writing about it (although sometimes making podcasts or videos too). I might be writing a 1500 word article or a 140 character tweet, but it’s always about science and engineering.
