• Question: Do you think your job will help save lives?

    Asked by Mchristy234 to Keith, Pete, Natalie, Aaron on 11 Nov 2015. This question was also asked by lucy:)!!.
    • Photo: Keith Franklin

      Keith Franklin answered on 11 Nov 2015:

      It won’t directly save lives, because the nuclear power plant isn’t dangerous enough to kill anyone. However it will improve the lives of many people, because the sooner we can clean up the mess, the sooner the people who live next to it can move back to their homes.

    • Photo: Aaron Boardley

      Aaron Boardley answered on 16 Nov 2015:

      Not directly – but the work I do shares news about science and engineering to help more people understand it.

      This could mean more people are inspired into a scientific career, who then go on to save lives.

      It also means scientists can find out about what other scientists are doing, so they can work together better.

      Another big part of my work is sharing news of science and engineering with the government. If they take on the advice of scientists in things like healthcare then it can have a big effect on how people are treated and could go on to save thousands of lives. However, I don’t work so much in the healthcare area at the moment, so I wouldn’t want to mislead you!

    • Photo: Natalie Garrett

      Natalie Garrett answered on 20 Nov 2015:

      I hope so! I’m working on a project where we’re trying to make special nanoparticles that can ferry medicines around the body more effectively. This should help people with brain cancer, and Alzheimer’s get much better treatments, and hopefully save some lives.
