• Question: if you could go back in time, what time would you go to?

    Asked by Frosty to Pete, Natalie, Keith, Abbey, Aaron on 9 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Aaron Boardley

      Aaron Boardley answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      This might sound a bit of a rubbish answer, but I’d be really interested in visiting the 1980s.

      It was a really interesting time for home computing, when Apple launched its first ‘Macintosh’ computer – they’ve come a long way to get to the iPhone. Other computers like the BBC Micro gave people the opportunity to try computer programming at home for the first time. I would have really loved to have been around in this era and to try my hand at this early home computer technology.

      Plus, as someone born in 1987, I’d find it interesting to see what the world was like in the era I was born in, as I can’t really remember anything before the 1990s. Also, I like a lot of 1980s music.

      It might not be hundreds of years ago, but technology has come such a long way that it would feel like a different world!

    • Photo: Peter Burgess

      Peter Burgess answered on 11 Nov 2015:

      There are a great bunch of books called the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. They were written by a guy called Douglas Adams. He used to say ‘I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound as they go by.’
      So when I wrote that, I was being boring and grown up and thinking about how much more work I could get done.
      I was also thinking about friends I have who live in America, New Zealand, and Australia and thinking it would be nice to visit them more often. If I could freeze time, I wouldn’t have to worry about how long it takes to get there. It’s kind of a poor man’s teleporting.

      Who wouldn’t want to go on dinosaur safari though?

    • Photo: Natalie Garrett

      Natalie Garrett answered on 12 Nov 2015:

      Ooh that’s a good question! I would also love to go on a dinosaur safari, and see the biggest events in history (including seeing Queen live at Wembley in 1986). It would also be nice to go back in time and see my grandparents when they were young, and see what my dad’s dad was like (he died before I was born). I’d love to answer some questions for sure, like what happened at the big bang, but my timetravel device would need to be very strong to cope with that!
